Reading The Data From UART Port

This guide will help you monitor the development kit’s backend process and be used for debugging the console from the backend.


Host Users

Linux Host Users

  1. Install the minicom software on your host device.

    sudo apt install minicom
  2. Connect the serial cable as shown in the above picture from the target device to the host device.

  3. Launch minicom on the terminal.

    sudo minicom -s
  4. A configuration menu will appear.

  1. Under the serial port setup choose the following,

    • Serial device: /dev/ttyUSB0 (edit to match the system as necessary)
    • Bps/Par/Bits: 115200 8N1
    • Hardware Flow Control: No
    • Software Flow Control: No
  1. Hit [ESC] to return to the main configuration menu.

  2. Select Exit to exit the menu.

Windows Host Users

  1. Install the PuTTY software on your host device.
  2. Connect the serial cable as shown in the above picture from the target device to the host device.
  3. Launch the PuTTY software.
  4. Under the Serial connection choose the following,
    • Serial line: COM3 (edit to match the system as necessary)
    • Speed: 115200
    • Click Only on clean exit
    • Click Open