SEMA Utility on COM Express Type 10 Elkhart Lake

This document provides detailed instructions on how to use SEMA on COM Express Type 10 Elkhart Lake.


  • [For Windows only] Download the latest Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable (X64) from here.
  • [For Windows/Linux] Download the latest SEMA source code file from here.

Once set, click one of the below to follow the instructions corresponding to your OS:

Windows Host

  1. Install Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable on your targeted device.
  2. Go to the directory to which SEMA is downloaded (SEMA-4.0_Windows/Installer/) and execute “ADLINK_SEMA_Package_installer” file on your targeted device to install the SEMA source file.
  3. Open PowerShell and type the following command:

You should see the output as exemplified below. To see the details of the commands listed, simply execute the following commands as needed.

PS C:\Users\adlink> Semautil

- Display this screen:
semautil /h

- Watch Dog:
semautil /w for information on watchdog and related function

- Storage:
semautil /s for information on storage and related function

- Smart FAN control:
semautil /f for information on fan control and related function

- System monitor-Board Info:
semautil /i for information on monitor-board info and related function

- Voltage monitor:
semautil /v for information on voltage monitor and related function

- Error log:
semautil /e for information on error log and related function

semautil /g for information on GPIO and related function

- Exception Description:
semautil /x for information on exception description and related function

- Board values:
semautil /d for information on board values and related function

- LVDS Backlight control:
semautil /b for information on LVDS backlight control and related function

- Generic I2C Read/Write:
semautil /i2c for information on generic I2C read/write and related function

- BIOS source:
semautil /src for information on BIOS source and related function
  • To see the monitor-board info, execute the commands listed below.

    PS C:\Users\adlink> semautil /i

    - System monitor-Board Info:
    1. semautil /i get_bd_info [EApi ID]
    2. semautil /i set_bd_info [EApi ID] [new info]
    1 : Board manufacturer name
    2 : Board name
    3 : Board serial number
    4 : Board BIOS revision
    5 : HW revision
    6 : Board platform type
    7 : BMC Bootloader revision
    8 : BMC application revision
    9 : Board restart event
    10 : Board repair date
    11 : Board manufacturer date
    12 : Board MAC address
    13 : Board 2nd HW revision number
    14 : Board 2nd serial
    PS C:\Users\adlink> semautil /i get_bd_info 1

    ADLINK Technology Inc.
    PS C:\Users\adlink> semautil /i get_bd_info 2

  • e.g. If you enter voltage monitor and execute the following commands in sequence, you shall get a similar output on your targeted device.

    PS C:\Users\adlink> semautil /v

    - Voltage monitor:
    1. semautil /v get_voltage [Channel (0 - 15)]
    PS C:\Users\adlink> semautil /v get_voltage 2

    Voltage : 4854 mv
    Description : VIN

  1. You can enter different sections to access and execute its related functions as needed.

Linux Host

1. Getting Started

  1. Install git utility to download and compile the ADLINK SEMA module for Linux by executing the following command.
sudo apt install git
  1. Install Hexer for editing the binary files.
sudo apt install hexer
  1. Install i2c-tools.
sudo apt install i2c-tools
  1. Install make (if needed).
sudo apt install make
  1. Install gcc (if needed).
sudo apt install gcc

2. Compiling SEMA Linux Package

  1. Download the SEMA source code.

  2. Open the terminal and go into the downloaded directory.

  3. Compile them. Once the compilation succeeds, the following kernel modules and executables are generated.

File Description
driver/adl-bmc.ko SEMA Linux BMC Driver Core Module
driver/adl-bmc-boardinfo.ko SEMA Linux BMC Board Information Driver Module
driver/adl-bmc-vm.ko SEMA Linux BMC Voltage Monitor Driver Module
driver/adl-bmc-hwmon.ko SEMA Linux BMC Smart Fan and Hardware Monitor Driver Module
driver/adl-bmc-wdt.ko SEMA Linux BMC Watchdog Driver Module
driver/adl-bmc-nvmem.ko SEMA Linux BMC NVMEM Driver Module
driver/adl-bmc-bklight.ko SEMA Linux BMC Backlight Driver Module
wdogtest SEMA Linux Watchdog Test application
adltest SEMA Linux Command Line Utility

3. Installing SEMA Linux Kernel Drivers

  • Execute the commands listed below to install SEMA-related device drivers.

    cd SEMA_4.0_Linux_SandBox
    sudo make install
    sudo modprobe i2c_i801
    sudo modprobe adl-bmc
    sudo modprobe adl-bmc-i2c
    sudo modprobe adl-bmc-boardinfo
    sudo modprobe adl-bmc-vm
    sudo modprobe adl-bmc-wdt
    sudo modprobe adl-bmc-hwmon
    sudo modprobe adl-bmc-nvmem
    sudo modprobe adl-bmc-bklight
  • Install the native GPIO driver by executing the following commands in sequence:

    1. Load the native GPIO driver:

      sudo modprobe gpio-pca953x
    2. Once loaded, configure the GPIO device:

      echo pca9535 0x20 > /sys/bus/i2c/devices/i2c-12/new_device

      Note: Here, i2c-12 is used due to SMBus being located at bus 12. 0x20 is the GPIO device slave address.

4. Using the SEMA Linux Module

4.1 Board Information

  • To get the board manufacturer name:

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/manufacturer_name
  • To get the board name:

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/board_name
  • To get the board serial number:

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/serial_number
  • To get the board BIOS version:

    cat /sys/class/dmi/id/bios_version
  • To get the board hardware version:

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/hw_rev
  • To get the board bootloader version:

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/bmc_boot_version
  • To get BMC application version:

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/bmc_application_version
  • To get BMC capabilities:

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/capabilities
  • To get BMC extended capabilities:

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/capabilities_ext
  • To get BMC flags:

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/bmc_flags
  • To get BMC status:

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/bmc_status
  • To get the board main power current:

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/main_current
  • To get the board VCORE voltage value:

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/voltage_vcore
  • To get the board 2V5 voltage value:

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/voltage_2v5
  • To get the board 3V3 voltage value:

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/voltage_3v3
  • To get the board VBAT voltage value:

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/voltage_vbat
  • To get the board 5V voltage value:

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/voltage_5v
  • To get the board 5VSB voltage value:

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/voltage_5vsb
  • To get the board 12V voltage value:

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/voltage_12v
  • To get the board GFX-VCORE voltage value:

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/voltage_gfx_vcore
  • To get the board 1V05 voltage value:

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/voltage_1v05
  • To get the board 1V5 voltage value:

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/voltage_1v5
  • To get the board VIN voltage value:

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/voltage_vin
  • To get current position error log:

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/cur_pos_error_log
  • To set the position (of read pointer) and get immediate error log:

    echo 1 > /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/error_log
    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/error_log
  • To set error number and get error number description immediately:

    echo 88 > /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/err_num_des
    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/err_num_des
  • To set exception code and get exception description:

    echo 0 > /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/exc_des
    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-boardinfo/information/exc_des

4.2 Voltage Monitor

The number of regulator devices and their names may change due to platform (LEC-AL, cExpress-EL, etc) and the number of times the monitor driver is loaded and unloaded. To confirm the device names that is created by our driver, check the /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-vm/regulator/ path.

  • e.g.

    ls /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-vm/regulator/
  • Output (LEC-AL): regulator.1 regulator.2 regulator.3 regulator.4 regulator.5 regulator.6 regulator.7 regulator.8

    For voltage id 1, need to replace with regulator.1

  • To get the hardware monitor input voltage and get the respective voltage description:

    cat /sys/class/regulator/<regulator index>/microvolts
    cat /sys/class/regulator/<regulator index>/name
  • e.g. When the user is reading the voltage and description of id 1

    cat /sys/class/regulator/regulator.1/microvolts
    cat /sys/class/regulator/regulator.1/name

4.3 Watchdog

  • To start the watchdog:

    echo 1 > /dev/watchdog0
  • To stop the watchdog:

    echo “V” > /dev/watchdog0
  • To trigger / ping the watchdog:

    wdogtest –ping
  • To update the watchdog timeout value.

    • To set the watchdog timeout out value, use the following format:

      wdogtest –timeout=<time in seconds>
    • The example below sets the watchdog timeout value as 20 seconds

      wdogtest –timeout=20
  • To get the information about the watchdog state:

    cat /sys/class/watchdog/watchdog0/state
  • To get the configured watchdog timeout value:

    cat /sys/class/watchdog/watchdog0/timeout
  • To get the current watchdog timeout value:

    cat /sys/class/watchdog/watchdog0/timeleft
  • To get minimum/maximum watchdog timeout value:

  • To start / update the power up watchdog timer value

    • To update timeout out value, use the following format:

      echo <timeout> > /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-wdt/Capabilities/PwrUpWDog
    • The example below sets the power up watchdog timer timeout value as 1000 seconds

      echo 1000 > /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-wdt/Capabilities/PwrUpWDog
  • To get the power up watchdog timer value:

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-wdt/Capabilities/PwrUpWDog
  • To stop the power up watchdog timer:

    echo 0 > /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-wdt/Capabilities/PwrUpWDog

4.4 GPIO

  • To export the GPIO pin:

    echo N > /sys/class/gpio/export (N should replace with gpio chip base number)

    e.g. when 251 is the GPIO chip base number in Nano-EL:

    echo 251 > /sys/class/gpio/export
  • To read the direction of a pin:

    cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio251/direction
  • To write the direction of a pin:

    echo in > /sys/class/gpio/gpio251/direction
  • To read the value of a pin:

    cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio251/value
  • To write the value of a pin:

    echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio251/value

4.5 Hardware Monitor and Fan

The device name may be different due to the platform used (LEC-EL, cExpress-EL, etc.). To confirm the device name that is created by our driver, check the /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-hwmon/hwmon/ path.


ls /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-hwmon/hwmon/

Output: hwmon2

In the above example, our device is hwmon2, so should replace hwmonX with hwmon2 in the following commands.

  • To set temperature set points (1-4):

    echo > /sys/class/hwmon/hwmonX/device/fan_auto_point_temp

    In the example below, the user is setting temperature of set point 1 and Fan ID as 1 (SEMA_EAPI_ID_FAN_CPU) with temperature as 10

    echo 10 > /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/device/fan1_auto_point1_temp
  • To get temperature set points (1-4):

    cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmonX/device/fan_auto_point_temp

    In the example below, the user is getting temperature of set point 1 and fan ID 1 (SEMA_EAPI_ID_FAN_CPU)

    cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/device/fan1_auto_point1_temp
  • To set PWM set points (1-4):

    echo > /sys/class/hwmon/hwmonX/device/fan_auto_point_pwm

    In the example below, user is setting PWM value of set point 1 and fan ID 1 (SEMA_EAPI_ID_FAN_CPU) with PWM level as 10

    echo 10 > /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/device/fan1_auto_point1_pwm
  • To get PWM set points (1-4):

    cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmonX/device/fan_auto_point_pwm

    In the example below, user is getting PWM value of set point 2 and fan ID as 2 (SEMA_EAPI_ID_FAN_SYSTEM_1 ).

    cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/device/fan2_auto_point2_pwm
  • To set the fan to one of the following modes:

    • SEMA_FAN_AUTO (0)
    • SEMA_FAN_OFF (1)
    • SEMA_FAN_ON (2)
  • To set fan m:

    echo > /sys/class/hwmon/hwmonX/device/fan1_enable

    In the example below, user is setting fan mode as 1

    echo 1 > /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/device/fan1_enable
  • To get fan mode:

    cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/device/fan1_enable
  • Temperature sources are:

    0 = CPU Temperature

    1 = Board Temperature

  • To set the temperature source:

    echo /sys/class/hwmon/hwmonX/device/fan1_auto_channels_temp

    In the example below, user is setting temperature source as 1 (Board temperature)

    echo 1 > /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/device/fan1_auto_channels_temp
  • To get the temperature source:

    cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/device/fan1_auto_channels_temp
  • To get CPU’s current temperature:

    cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmonX/device/cpu_cur_temp
  • To get CPU minimum temperature:

    cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmonX/device/cpu_min_temp
  • To get CPU maximum temperature:

    cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmonX/device/cpu_max_temp
  • To get CPU startup temperature:

    cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmonX/device/cpu_startup_temp

    Note: If the four entries are not found, use adltest application to get the required information.

  • To get system1’s current temperature:

    cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmonX/device/sys1_cur_temp
  • To get system1 minimum temperature:

    cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmonX/device/sys1_min_temp
  • To get system1 maximum temperature:

    cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmonX/device/sys1_max_temp
  • To get system1 startup temperature:

    cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmonX/device/sys1_startup_temp
  • To get system2’s current temperature

    cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmonX/device/sys2_cur_temp
  • To get system2 minimum temperature:

    cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmonX/device/sys2_min_temp
  • To get system2 maximum temperature:

    cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmonX/device/sys2_max_temp
  • To get system2 start up temperature:

    cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmonX/device/sys2_startup_temp
  • To get CPU fan speed:

    cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmonX/device/cpu_fan_speed
  • To get system1 fan speed:

    cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmonX/device/sys1_fan_speed
  • To get system2 fan speed:

    cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmonX/device/sys2_fan_speed
  • To get system3 fan speed:

    cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmonX/device/sys3_fan_speed

4.6 Storage

  • To get the storage capabilities:

    cat /sys/bus/platform/devices/adl-bmc-nvmem/capabilities/nvmemcap
  • To read the storage area:

    hexdump /sys/bus/nvmem/devices//nvmem


    hexdump /sys/bus/nvmem/devices/nvmem544/nvmem
  • To write the storage area:

    hexer /sys/bus/nvmem/devices//nvmem


    hexer /sys/bus/nvmem/devices/nvmem544/nvmem

    Hexer will open a nvmem file in editor mode. To edit the data press, [r] (replace) and enter new data, then press [ESC] and type :wq to save. Then read the same file using hexdump to check the changes saved.

4.7 Backlight

  • To get the current Backlight Enable State:

    cat /sys/class/backlight/adl-bmc-bklight/bl_power
  • To Set the current Backlight Enable State to either ON / OFF

    echo > /sys/class/backlight/adl-bmc-bklight/bl_power


    • To enable the backlight:

      echo 1 > /sys/class/backlight/adl-bmc-bklight/bl_power
    • To disable the backlight:

      echo 0 > /sys/class/backlight/adl-bmc-bklight/bl_power
  • To get the current Backlight Brightness level:

    cat /sys/class/backlight/adl-bmc-bklight/actual_brightness
  • To Set the current Backlight brightness level:

    echo <level> > /sys/class/backlight/adl-bmc-bklight/brightness
    • e.g.

      To set the brightness level of 78:

      echo 78 > /sys/class/backlight/adl-bmc-bklight/brightness

5. Test Scripts

  • The following are the test scripts for testing individual drivers. Before running the script, change its permissions.


    sudo chmod a+x

    Note: All commands require administrator privileges and must be run as root user.