Installing Intel Wi-Fi 6E AX210 Driver

This guide will help you how to install the Intel Wi-Fi 6E AX210 Driver on I-Pi SMARC Elkhart Lake.

Windows Host

  • Power up the targeted device(I-Pi SMARC Elkhart Lake) with all the necessary cables.
  • You can download the Wi-Fi driver by click here and choose 64-bit. It will download the .exe file to install the driver on your targeted device.
  • Once you the download done, run the .exe file and give the required permission to install the driver.
  • Next, please restart your targeted device.
  • You can see now the Wi-Fi is ready to connect on your targeted device.

Linux Host

  • Power up the targeted device with all the necessary cables.

  • Launch the terminal window and type the following command to install the git in your targeted device,

    sudo apt-get install git
  • Download the driver packages by typing the below command,

    git clone git://
  • Once it done, go to the downloaded directory.

    cd linux-firmware
  • Copy them and put into right place by typing the command in your terminal window.

    sudo cp -v -u iwlwifi* /lib/firmware
  • Next acquaint your system with the new driver by typing the below command.

    sudo update-initramfs -uk all
  • Now, please restart your targeted device.

  • Now that the new driver has been installed, your wireless Intel card will work on your targeted device.

  • Clean up the debris by launching a terminal with the below command.

    rm -v -r -f ~/linux-firmware
  • Eventually, use the below command to lock the linux-firmware package to keep it’s current version. It will prevent the future update issues.

    sudo apt-mark hold linux-firmware