Preparing a bootable USB drive

This procedure describes how to Flash the ISO/IMG file into USB drive and make it as an installation medium


  • Download the prebuilt bootable image to the working directory on your development host click here.
  • In Windows environments, please download Rufus / Win32DiskImager to flash the image to the USB drive. (Rufus is flashing tool for .iso format and Win32DiskImager is flashing tool for .wic format)
  • In a Linux environment use dd command.

Note: All files will be erased on the USB drive. The size should be preferable 16 GB or larger.

Windows Host

Rufus as Flashing tool (Ubuntu/Windows/Debian)

  1. Insert an empty USB drive into the your development host and execute rufus.exe as the picture below. It will auto-detected your storage drives.

  2. Press the SELECT button and browse to the .iso file previously downloaded to your working directory on the development host. Then click START and wait for the process to be finished.


Win32DiskImager as Flashing tool (Yocto)

Insert an empty USB drive into the development host and execute the Win32DiskImager tool.

  • The USB device is automatically detected.

  • Choose Image (.wic) file by clicking on File explorer icon.

  • Select the image form the downloaded directory of development host, then click the Write button to start the process.


Linux Host

  1. Download the prebuilt bootable OS to the working directory on your development host. Insert an empty USB drive and enter the following command to flash the OS to the USB drive.

    Warning: Make sure you first properly identify the USB device, for example (/dev/sdb or /dev/sdc) by using “gparted”. Data loss may result if written into the wrong device or in the worst case you kill your development hosts OS.

    $ sudo dd if=[your image].img of=/dev/sd[x]

    After dd has completed, enter the following command:

$ sync

Note: You can also flash Yocto and Android images using Linux host, but make sure, you type the correct image format in your dd command.